Ambulance services in Visakhapatnam / Ambulance numbers in Vizag
Ambulance services in Visakhapatnam.
The following information on Ambulance services in Visakhapatnam and was provided to the best of my knowledge. But you please re-check once before calling.
The following are the list of ambulance phone numbers in Visakhapatnam.
Breadcrumb Pagination
Code - 0891 |
Ambulance Emergency Number |
108 (Toll Free) |
Apollo Hospitals Ambulance Number |
2529618 / 2727272 |
Care Hospitals Ambulance Number |
2714014 / 2522666 |
ESI Hospital, Malkapuram Hospital Ambulance Number |
25771195 |
ESI Hospital, Industrial Estate Hospital Ambulance Number |
2558209 |
ESI Hospital, Ramnagar Hospital Ambulance Number |
2553780 |
Golden Jubilee Hospital Ambulance Number |
2796135 |
Ghosha Hospital Ambulance Number |
2562637 |
K.G.H.Hospital Ambulance Number |
2564891 |
Kanakadurga Nursing Home Ambulance Number |
2566932 |
Latha Hospitals Ambulance Number |
2702287 / 2511351 |
Lazarus Hospital Ambulance Number |
2780780 |
Mental Hospital Ambulance Number |
2754918 |
Queen's NRI Hospital Ambulance Number |
2535063 / 5752 |
Seven Hills Hospital Ambulance Number |
2708090 |
TB Hospital Ambulance Number |
2565526 |
24hrs Ambulance Services visakhapatnam, 24hrs Ambulance Services vizag, Contact numbers of 24hrs Ambulance Services, Phone numbers of 24hrs Ambulance Services, 24hrs Ambulance Services contact number, 24hrs Ambulance Services phone number, 24hrs Ambulance Services in Visakhapatnam.