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CMR Central  

CMR Central is located near Maddilapalem.

CMR Central is a Shopping Mall with inox movie screens, shops, Children play area and Restaurants.

Breadcrumb Pagination

CMR Shopping Mall

CMR Central address

CMR Central
52-1-35, 36, 36/1,
New Resapuvanipalem,
Andhra Pradesh 530013

CMR Central phone number

0891 3095224

CMR Central website

CMR Central Timings

9:00am to 10:00pm

Way to CMR Central

CMR Central visakhapatnam, CMR Central vizag, Contact number of CMR Central, Phone number of CMR Central, Addrees of CMR Central, CMR Central address, CMR Central contact number, CMR Central phone number, CMR Central timings, CMR Central website, way to CMR Central.