Myositis means what

Myositis is the name for a group of rare conditions. The main symptoms are weakness, painful or aching muscles.
This usually gets worse, slowly over time.
Myositis effected patient may also trip or fall a lot and be very tired after walking or standing.

what is myositis

What are the first symptoms of Myositis?

Myositis symptoms includes :
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Joint or muscle pain.
  • Fatigue.
  • Swelling.
  • Trouble breathing or swallowing.
  • Arrhythmia (if the myositis affects your heart).

What causes body Myositis?

It has an autoimmune component, which means the body attacks itself. However, other factors could be at play, and it's still unknown what triggers s-IBM. Hereditary inclusion body myopathy (h-IBM) can be linked to genetic factors.

How long can you live with Myositis?

More than 95 percent of those with DM, PM, and NM are still alive more than five years after diagnosis. Many experience only one period of acute illness in their lifetime; others struggle with symptoms for years. One of the biggest problems in treating myositis is obtaining an accurate diagnosis.

What causes body Myositis?

It has an autoimmune component, which means the body attacks itself. However, other factors could be at play, and it's still unknown what triggers s-IBM. Hereditary inclusion body myopathy (h-IBM) can be linked to genetic factors.

How is Myositis diagnosed?

The diagnosis of myositis involves a complete physical exam, blood test, electromyography (a neurological test that assess the electrical activity in your muscles), and a muscle biopsy, which involves removing a small sample of muscle tissue for testing.

Source : Google Search