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Thotla Konda

This page provides the information about this tourist place, related video of this place via youtube and way to or how to reach this place.

Thotla Konda is a buddist monk roamed place near bheemilli. Thotlakonda is a 2000-years old Buddhist monastery. The sea view from Totlakonda will be amazing. Especially, on full moon day night. On Thotlakonda, man digged wells will be found but ar ruined stage.

Thotla Konda Wikipedia Link: Thotla Konda / Thotlakonda information

Thotla Konda Video

Way to Thotla Konda

Thotla Konda near visakhapatnam, Thotla Konda near vizag, Video of Thotla Konda, way to Thotla Konda, tourist places near Thotla Konda, how to reach Thotla Konda, mode of prefered transport to Thotla Konda.