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Visakhapatnam timeline  

Visakhapatnam timeline or Vizag timeline.

Visakhapatnam till now.

260 BCE : Ashoka conquered the Kalinga empire (of which Vizag was a part).


208 A.D. : Chandra Sri Satakarni was king of this region.


14th Century : Simhachalam Temple built.


1515 A.D. : Krishna Deva Raya was ruler of the area comprising Vizag.


17th Century : A factory was founded in "Vizagapatam" by the British East India Company.


1689 : This factory was occupied by the forces of Aurangzeb.


1735 : Dutch Colony was established.

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1765 : The territory of the Northern Circars, of which Vizag was a part, ceded to the East India Company on dissolution of the Moghul Empire. Following this, a British colony was established.


1803 : District made a Collectorate.


1858 : Municipal Association started in Vizag.


1866 : It became Vizag Municipality.


1876 : Original Light house on Dolphin's Nose knocked down in a cyclone.


1877 : Chapel built on Ross Hill. Now known as 'Hill Chapel'.

1904 : Railway from Madras to Calcutta, passing through 'Vizagapatam' was opened.

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1926 : Andhra University established.


7th Oct, 1933 : Visakhapatnam Port established.


1935 : First private four wheeler registered, number MDV 5, later on changed to APB 5.


193* : First commercial air taxi for Vizag, owned by a German national.


193* : Imperial Bank, the first bank in Vizag established.


6th April, 1942 : Japanese war planes attacked Vizag.


1947 : Eastern Naval Command established its base here. Prior to our independence the Royal Navy had set up its base here in HMIS Circars.

1949 : Scindia Shipyard started. Later nationalised and called Hindustan Shipyard.

1957 : Refinery started by Caltex.


1957 : Light house re-built on Dolphin's Nose.

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1976 : Outer Harbour inaugurated.


1979 : Visakhapatnam upgraded to Municipal Corporation.


1981 : Visakhapatnam Steel Plant commenced operations.


2006 : Visakhapatnam Becomes Greater Visakhapatnam.

Visakhapatnam Timeline, Vizag Timeline