Anantha Giri Waterfalls
This page provides the information about this tourist place, related video of this place via youtube and way to or how to reach this place.
Anantha Giri Waterfalls is near to Borra caves and on the way to Araku Valley. Ananthagiri waterfalls is 60kms away from Visakhapatnam.and located on the way to Araku valley. Anathagiri Hills is very much popular for coffee plantations and numerous waterfalls like Tadimada waterfalls. Anantagiri is also famous for breathtakingly beautiful resort shelter. Harita Resorts is nearer to Anantagiri for stay. People visiting araku will normally visit this place and Ananthagiri is on the way as well.
Mode of transport to Anantagiri can be through train, bus on any other road transport.
Mode of transport to Anantha Giri Waterfalls is by road only and the nearest railway station to this is Borra caves Railway Station and the from the station need to travel by road inorder to reach the Anantha Giri Waterfalls.
Katiki Waterfalls
Katiki watefalls was located at a distance of 2 km from Anantagiri.
Katiki waterfalls is Originated from the Ghostani River, Borra Caves are locates just 4 kms from the Katiki waterfalls
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Sri Anantha Giri Waterfalls Video
Way to Anantha Giri Waterfalls
Anantha Giri Waterfalls near visakhapatnam, Anantha Giri Waterfalls near vizag, Video of Anantha Giri Waterfalls. way to Anantha Giri Waterfalls, tourist places near Anantha Giri Waterfalls, how to reach Anantha Giri Waterfalls, mode of prefered transport to Anantha Giri Waterfalls, Anantha Giri Waterfalls near Borra Caves, Anantha Giri Waterfalls near Araku Valley.