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Arasavilli Temple

This page provides the information about this tourist place, related video of this place via youtube and way to or how to reach this place.

Arasavilli is the famous Sun God Temple situated in Srikakulam. Arasavilli temple is one of the ancient temple and all among two sun God temples in India. There is a saying that Kasyapa maharishi installed the Idol of Sun god at Arasavalli for the Welfare of mankind. Arasavilli temple will be like sun god on his charriot. It was carved and polished on a single granite stone.

Arasavilli Temple Miracle

The Golden Sunrays touches the sun god idol inside the temple two times in a year and this miracle can be viewed the months of March and October on 1,2 and 3 dates in the morning hours at 6.00 Am to 6.20 AM. You can view the miracle video by clicking on the following link sunrays touching arasavilli temple god idol.

Arasavilli Temple is located near Srikakulam. Both Train or Road route can be conducted to reach this place.

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Arasavilli Temple

Arasavilli Temple Video

Way to Arasavilli Temple

Arasavilli Temple near visakhapatnam, Arasavilli Temple near vizag, Video of Arasavilli Temple, way to Arasavilli Temple, tourist places near Arasavilli Temple, how to reach Arasavilli Temple, mode of prefered transport to Arasavilli Temple.