Borra Caves
This page provides the information about this tourist place, related video of this place via youtube and way to or how to reach this place.
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The popular legend is, a cow grazing on the top of the caves dropped 60 m (200 ft) through a hole in the roof. The cowherd while searching for the cow came across these caves.
He found a stone inside the cave that resembled a Lingam, which he interpreted as the Lord Shiva who protected the cow.
Another saying is that a Shiva lingam is found deep in the cave and above that a stone formation resembling a cow was present. It is said that the cow udder is the source of the Gosthani river.
It is also said that the British geologist, William King discovered the cave in 1807.
Borra Cave is a naturally formed cave and is believed to be 150 million years old.
Borra Caves is about 90kms from visakhapatnam and need to climb the hill to reach it. Way to reach borra caves is by road or train.
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Borra Caves Video
Way to Borra Caves
Borra Caves near visakhapatnam, Borra Caves near vizag, Video of Borra Caves, way to Borra Caves, tourist places near Borra Caves, how to reach Borra Caves, mode of prefered transport to Borra Caves.