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B'treats Restaurant  

Btreats Restaurant is located near Gurudwara Junction. Btreats is located near to Queens NRI Hospital.

Btreats Restaurant is a Bakery and Restaurant. Btreats is a fast food centre as well. You can find variety of cakes and confectionary here. variety of Food will be served.

Breadcrumb Pagination

B Treats

B'treats Restaurant address

Btreats Restaurant
Balaya Sastry layout,
Andhra Pradesh 530013

B'treats Restaurant phone number


B'treats Restaurant website

B'treats Restaurant Timings

10:00am to 10:30pm

Way to Btreats Restaurant

Btreats Restaurant visakhapatnam, Btreats Restaurant vizag, Contact number of Btreats Restaurant, Phone number of Btreats Restaurant, Addrees of Btreats Restaurant, Btreats Restaurant address, Btreats Restaurant contact number, Btreats Restaurant phone number, Btreats Restaurant timings, Btreats Restaurant website, way to Btreats, Restaurants near Gurudwar..