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Indus Hospital  

Indus Hospital is located in Maharanipeta Visakhapatnam. Indus Hospital in Vizag.

Indus Hospital is a Multi speciality Hospital.

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Indus Hospital

Indus Hospital address

ndus Hospital
KGH Down Road,
Near Jagdamba,
Maharani Peta,
Jagadamba Junction,
Andhra Pradesh 530002

Indus Hospital phone number


Indus Hospital website

Indus Hospital Timings

Round the clock

Indus Hospital Specialitties :Indus Hospital Viskhapatnam is a multi-speciality hospital. Indus Hospital is propularly for Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery cases.
Cardiology hospital in Visakhapatnam.
Cardiology hospital in Vizag.
General Surgery hospital in Vizag.
General Surgery hospital in Visakhapatnam.

Way to Indus Hospital

Indus Hospital visakhapatnam, Indus Hospital vizag, Contact number of Indus Hospital, Phone number of Indus Hospital, Addrees of Indus Hospital, Indus Hospital address, Indus Hospital contact number, Indus Hospital phone number, Indus Hospital timings, Indus Hospital website, way to Indus Hospital.