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Kondakarla Beach

This page provides the information about this tourist place, related video of this place via youtube and way to or how to reach this place.

Kondakarla is located at a distance of 50kms from Visakhapatnam. Its a natural beauty spot and you can find various birds here. It is also known as kondakarla bird's sanctuary. At Kondakarla, there's a lake you can go on local boats. Lord Venkatesware Temple was located on a hill near this lake.

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Kondakarla Beach

Kondakarla Beach Video

Way to Kondakarla Beach

Kondakarla Beach near visakhapatnam, Kondakarla Beach near vizag, Video of Kondakarla Beach, way to Kondakarla Beach, tourist places near Kondakarla Beach, how to reach Kondakarla Beach, mode of prefered transport to Kondakarla Beach.