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Kurupam Tomb

This page provides the information about this tourist place, related video of this place via youtube and way to or how to reach this place.

Kurupam Tomb is located on the beach road and near Lawson's bay colony. Kurupam Tomb is also known as Andhra Taj Mahal. Kurupam Tomb was constructed 100years back in the memory of Queen of Kurupam by Raja Ravi Varma.

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Kurupam Tomb

Kurupam Tomb Video

Way to Kurupam Tomb

Kurupam Tomb near visakhapatnam, Kurupam Tomb near vizag, Video of Kurupam Tomb, way to Kurupam Tomb, tourist places near Kurupam Tomb, how to reach Kurupam Tomb, mode of prefered transport to Kurupam Tomb.