This page provides the information about this tourist place, related video of this place via youtube and way to or how to reach this place.
It is beleived that the Lord Shiva temple Pancharla was built by Dharma Raja, the elder brother of Pandavas.
It is located near Elamanchili.
The Speciality of the lingam installed in the temple is, it is carved with twelve rows of 85 lingams in it. The temple is also known as Dharma Lingeswa
There will be 5 jets of water which flows from the top of the hill and thus, this place is popular as panchadarla.
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Panchadarla Video
Way to Panchadarla
Panchadarla near visakhapatnam, Panchadarla near vizag, Video of Panchadarla, way to Panchadarla, tourist places near Panchadarla, how to reach Panchadarla, mode of prefered transport to Panchadarla.